Is Warren Fahy’s Fragment Headed to the Big Screen?

Back in 2010, Green Zone producer Lloyd Levin optioned author Warren Fahy’s best-selling novel Fragment, which explores what happens when a reality television show is filmed on a remote island inhabited by a previously undiscovered species. However, we haven’t heard much about the project in about five years, but there’s a strong possibility that’s about to change.
One of our eagle-eyed tipsters suggested that the worldwide box-office smash Jurassic World may have lit a fire beneath this adaptation in recent months. In fact, Fahy himself has hinted about an upcoming cinematic project that may or not happen in the near future. These clues are currently housed over at the writer’s official Facebook page, so feel free to poke around.
For example, on July 1, Fahy wrote, “Fascinating things happening in Hollywood re: Fragment. Stay tuned, folks.” To say that message is cryptic would be a serious understatement.
Then, on August 5, he added, “Big people in the movie biz are toying with the idea of a Fragment movie, so if you want to see it, now’s the time to drop in a good word at Amazon, if you haven’t already. But don’t say ‘Hey Hollywood make this movie!’ Just talk about the book.”
It’s currently unknown if Fragment will ever find its way into a darkened theater near you, but given that Jurassic World is wildly popular, Hollywood will likely try its best to cash in on the popularity of islands, creatures, and big-budget thrills. We’ll definitely keep you posted.