Lots of Black Devil Doll News

Huge news out of the Black Devil Doll (review here) camp! Overseas sales! DVD specs! A novelization! Holy shit!
Where to even start? First off, believe it or not, the little film that was born to offend made a killing at the Cannes Film Festival and has been sold to France, Germany, the UK, and Holland. Even funnier — the German and French releases will be dubbed!! Christ, do I wanna see that! Negotiations for Japan and Spain are under way right now.
There’s also a movie tie-in Black Devil Doll novel coming out, written by Stephen Romano, based on the screenplay by Shawn Lewis and Mitchell Mayes! It will be in bookstores and Amazon.com in August!
Two more screenings have been added to the film’s theatrical run — Canada and Cincinnati!
DEDfest: Hellberta’s Horror Festival presents
Canadian Premiere!
Plus One Baaadasssss Muthafunkin’ After Party
featuring DJ Love Shovel
Saturday, July 11, 8PM
at The Pawn Shop
10549 – 82 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
Tickets $12 (includes cover for after party)
Advance tickets available at
The Lobby DVD Shop on Whyte
10815 Whyte Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
Click here for information about the Cincinnati, Ohio screening and here for tickets!
And FINALLY here are the official DVD specs for the film, which includes footage of the infamous dildo throwing incident at the New Beverly premiere in Los Angeles.
And the price for this bundle of militant joy? $24.95! CHEAP! Visit the Black Devil Doll website today to sign up for an email notice of when you can pre-order your copy!

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