Farewell to Wes – Guest Blog: Stuart Gordon
I was at the Sitges Film Festival when Reservoir Dogs was first screened and the film broke just before Michael Madsen was about to cut off the cop’s ear. I headed to the bathroom while they re-threaded the projector and found myself standing next to Wes Craven at the urinals.
“I’m not going back in there,” he told me.
“Why not?” I asked him.
“It’s just too damn real,” was his answer.
I wanted to say, “Wes, it’s only a movie,” but didn’t. I was too amazed to discover that, like me, Wes himself could be freaked out by bloody on-screen moments.
Maybe that’s why we make horror films – to conquer our own demons.
Now that Wes is gone, the sense of loss is so overwhelming that all I can think of is his own words, “It’s just too damn real.”
Rest in peace, Mr. Craven. And thanks for all the unforgettable nightmares.
— Stuart Gordon
With the tragic passing of Wes Craven, literally everyone in the industry has been reeling and expressing love for the man and his work. Several people have been writing in to Dread Central to ask if it would be cool to post their thoughts. So this Farewell to Wes feature will be their opportunity to share their feelings and their thoughts with you, the horror community.
Some will be long, some will be short, but all are important and will be featured with love and caring. It’s our honor to be able to do this for the man who gave us so very much.