Harper’s Island Crashes Onto DVD

It’s a shame “Harper’s Island” did so poorly on TV. Truth is it’s a solid little show filled with about as much violence as some R-rated films. Pretty shocking. Word of mouth just spread a little too late, and as a result the show’s fanbase got to the party too late to save it from the sentenced to Saturday night Death Curse.
No worries! Paramount announced today that the show will be hitting DVD on September 8th. Extras include audio commentaries by the cast and producers on four fundamental episodes, more than 15 Deleted Scenes, 90 minutes of Harper’s Globe Webisodes which were originally created for the harpersglobe.com web site, Easter Eggs, six CBS Network on-air promos and nearly an hour of four all-new Featurettes explaining how the show came together and how the cast found out each week if they were going to be the next victim.
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