Antichrist … The Video Game?

It seems Lars von Trier’s Antichrist is far from finished stirring up controversy. His production house Zentropa is working with former Io Interactive writer Morten (Hitman) Iversen to design Eden, a video game based on the film.
Eden is actually planned as a download-only game, which Iverson hopes to get on services like Xbox Live and Steam. In style, he describes it as a “nightmarish version of Myst.” When MTV Movies Blog first learned of the game, they said that it sounds as though Willem Dafoe is in some way involved and that the story will be set after the events of the film.
In a follow-up by MTV Multiplayer, more details came to light. Players can expect some very unique gameplay concepts. When first queuing up the game, they will have to upload a profile, describing what their biggest phobias are. For example, are you afraid of spiders, loud noises, or the dark? Based on that profile, certain themes will be loaded into the game to challenge you on those phobias.
Despite all the controversy (to which Iverson replies with a warrior-like battle cry: “Bring it on! Controversy!”), the game’s release is still a ways off, planned for sometime next year. Currently the team at Zentropa is just four people, and the game has just finished the design phase. Next it’s a matter of staffing up and getting the title playable. Iverson seems pumped at the prospect.
“I admire Lars von Trier’s work immensely, and look forward to developing this game based on his work and hopefully with his creative input. He’s an extremely creative, condescending, misogynist genius with a shipload of phobias rattling him every day, so we’re like kindred spirits.”
I’m not sure how we missed this story when it first broke, but now that it’s in our radar, you can be sure we’ll be keeping an eye out for updates.
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