Grimm Season 5 Guest Casting News and New Promo Teaser

Two fairly high profile young actresses have signed up for guest star duty during the upcoming fifth season of “Grimm.” We have the details on what Madeline Brewer (Tricia from “Orange Is the New Black” Season 1) and Carlson Young (Brooke from MTV’s “Scream” series) will be up to when the show returns at the end of October plus a look at the newest S5 promo.
Per TVLine, Brewer (below left) will portray a lizard-like Wesen known as a Skalengeck. Her character, Billie Trump, will appear in Episodes 5.06 and 5.07 and is described as “a fierce lieutenant in an up-and-coming Wesen street gang who is raising hell in Portland.” But just when you think that you understand Billie’s gang, you learn that the group of monsters is indicative of really terrible things to come.
In addition, the site reports that Brewer’s “OITNB” co-star Elizabeth Rodriguez, who appeared as an FBI agent last season, will be returning so maybe we’ll see a mini-reunion!
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As for Young (above right), again per TVLine, she’ll apparently remain human, portraying Selina Golias, a character forced to hide the survivor of an attack that resulted in her boyfriend’s death. As a result, Selina becomes the target of a Wesen “king” who doesn’t mind if she becomes collateral damage in a neverending Wesen feud.
“Grimm” returns to NBC on Friday, October 30 (9/8c). For more info visit “Grimm” on, check out some InstaGRIMMS on Instagram, “like” “Grimm” on Facebook, and follow “Grimm” on Twitter.