New Fallout 4 Video Explains How You Will Need Strength to Survive

If you needed any further evidence that Bethesda ranks among the craziest major game publishers out there, then look no further than the latest promotional video for Fallout 4.
Made in the style of a ’50s awareness video, it explains how you can use strength in the game to your advantage. “Strength” makes up part of the acronym S.P.E.C.I.A.L. – Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, and Luck, which has always been part of the Fallout series for character abilities.
The post-apocalyptic RPG also recently made headlines for containing over 110,000 lines of dialogue, more than Skyrim and Fallout 3 combined, and even more amazingly, it will be released uncut in Germany, the video gaming censorship capital of the world.
Sadly, at 1:28 the video clarifies that you won’t be able to use a paddle ball as a weapon. Who needs laser cannons when you have a paddle ball, eh?
Categorized:Horror Gaming News