Last of Us Creative Director Wants to Make Half Life 3


Like a lot of gamers, I’ve started anxiously awaiting the arrival of Half Life 3 as soon as I finished Half Life 2. Although we’ve heard rumblings that something is in the works, nothing ever came to fruition. The folks at Valve must be keenly aware that fans want a third installment of the series, but for whatever reason, they haven’t made this happen. It boggles the mind.

However, Last of Us creative director Neil Druckmann has grown tired of waiting patiently for Valve to deliver the goods. In fact, he wants Valve to hand over the license to the Half Life franchise in order to make Half Life 3. That’s a ballsy movie, Druckmann, but I’d love to see it happen.

How did Druckmann approach Valve about the situation? On Twitter, of course.

As of this writing, Valve hasn’t responded to Neil Druckmann’s legendary tweet. Will the developer take him up on the offer? Would fans respond well to someone else handling the franchise? Judging from some of the reactions on Twitter, people just want to play the game, and I’m one of them.

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