New Blood Bowl 2 Trailer Begins Brawling

It’s safe to say that many football players wish that it was within the rules to beat the crap out of their opponents. Hell, some aren’t even deterred by the fact that it is against the rules. So the trailer for Focus Home Interactive’s Blood Bowl 2 may represent how some would prefer football to be played.
Games Workshop’s tabletop game Blood Bowl originated in 1987 as a parody of their Warhammer Fantasy franchise, in which the nations and races of that series would play football with each other instead of going to war. But as you can see from the trailer, there isn’t much difference.
Playable classes will include Dwarves, Skraven, and Orcs; and if you pre-order, you get a choice of either Lizard Men or Wood Elves. And, unusual for a sports game, there’ll be a story-driven campaign.
Blood Bowl 2 will be released on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on 22 September 2015.
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