Massive Full Moon Features Fan Art Gallery with Puppets Galore!

As we’ve previously mentioned, Charles Band, the ghoulish and prolific mind that brought you iconic horror and sci-fi films like Troll, Puppet Master, Subspecies, Trancers, Ghoulies, Re-Animator, From Beyond, Demonic Toys, and hundreds of other films, is producing Full Moon’s next two productions: EVIL BONG HIGH-5 and KILLJOY’S PSYCHO CIRCUS!
These films are fully financed and will go into production in fall 2015. With your help these films will feature more practical effects! More cameos! And more wild surprises!
Dig on the campaign video, and then check out the HUMONGOUS fan art gallery below!
Indiegogo: Full Moon’s Evil Bong and Killjoy film sequels from Full Moon Features on Vimeo.