Ridley Scott Offers New Prometheus 2 Update

Speaking at the Toronto International Film Festival, where The Martian is currently screening, Ridley Scott gave the following update on Prometheus 2…
“You can either say, leave the first film alone and jump ahead, but you can’t because it ends on too specific a plot sentence as she says, ‘I want to go where they came from; I don’t want to go back to where I came from.’ I thought the subtext of that film was a bit florid and grandiose, but it asks a good question: Who created us? I don’t think we are here by accident. It is pretty grand thinking, and that’s what I want to explore. You’ve got to go back and find those Engineers and see what they are thinking. If Engineers are the forerunners of us, and therefore were creators of life forms in places that were possible for biology to function, who created that? Where’s the big boy? You think this was all an accident?”
When he says “the big boy” could he be referring to God himself? The ultimate creator? Sure seems like it. Only time will tell what exactly Scott has in mind, but it sounds like he has a clear idea of where he wants to go with the sequel.
We previously reported that Prometheus 2 would film in early 2016 and that Noomi Rapace and Michael Fassbender will both return, though the Xenomorphs likely will not. It seems to be moving further and further away from the Alien franchise, but no Xenomorphs will be better than the forced and pointless appearance of the one at the end of the first film. But Neill Blomkamp’s upcoming Alien movie will certainly give you your Xenomorph fix.
Prometheus 2 will be released on May 30, 2017.