SDCC 09: Jonah Hex Footage and Panel

The panel for Jonah Hex let out a short while ago, and while there wasn’t a lot of new info revealed, we did see some new footage that was cut together just for the San Diego Comic-Con and learned from director Jimmy Hayward that shooting of Megan Fox’s scenes wrapped just 48 hours ago.
The action in the teaser was fast and furious, and we got our first really good look at Josh Brolin as the scarred up Hex and Fox as a prostitute named Lila including a shot of the two of them in bed together. There are plenty of explosions and a train blows up, verifying that the flick is much more action Western than horror, although Hayward did confirm there are “some” supernatural elements. He also said the influences for John Malkovich’s character were Clockwork Orange and the Riddler from the “Batman” TV show. Overall, though, the film is an homage to 70’s spaghetti Westerns. As for his favorite moment, it was getting to almost kill Megan Fox, an idea the audience definitely wasn’t fond of.
Brolin was his usual dry, offbeat self, extolling the praises of the filmmakers’ ability to create an amazing looking film on a small budget. All the money is on the screen, not in the actors’ bank accounts. He described Jonah Hex as a “phantasmagoria of insanity” with a circus element that’s like nothing else out there.
Fox, who of course fielded the majority of the fans’ questions, including a few that were embarrassingly inappropriate, exclaimed that she had never been as excited to watch footage of a film she was in as she was with this one. One attendee asked her if she’d rather watch Jonah Hex or “that horror thing” she’s in (Jennifer’s Body obviously), and Megan diplomatically said that both are equally awesome, but she really loves Hex.
Look for Jonah Hex in theatres next summer.
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