Will Kevin Smith’s Moose Jaws Feature the Death of Silent Bob?

Say it ain’t so! Although lovable goofballs Jay and Silent Bob have been around since Kevin Smith’s classic 1994 comedy Clerks, there’s a very strong possibility that Bob won’t make it out of Canada alive. According to Smith, his upcoming monster movie Moose Jaws (think Jaws except with a giant moose) will find Silent Bob shuffling off his mortal coil at the hands of the titular creature. Frankly, I’m not a fan of the idea. At all. In fact, it makes me kind of sad. Very sad, actually.
Alas, all good things must come to an end, and Kevin Smith seems determined to kill off this iconic character in the very near future. According to the folks over at Joblo, Smith appears ready and willing to bid farewell to Bob in a very Quint-esque manner. It’s gonna be gruesome.
I just finished writing the scene where — spoilers — Silent Bob gets eaten by the moose. That’s how he fucking goes out! Isn’t that fun? I was talking to Jay about Moose Jaws, and I’m like, “I’m thinking about bringing us in as the Captain Quint character.” And he goes, “Yeah, but Quint gets killed!” I was like, “One of us has to get eaten.” And he was like, “You. Not me.” I was like, “Why?” And he was like, “Because I wanna be in other movies!” Fair enough, dude. So, rather than let him go out with dignity, he’ll be eaten by a fucking moose.
Who knows? Maybe Smith will change his mind at the last minute and let Silent Bob live to see another day. And although it will be sad to see him leave this world behind, at least we still have Clerks 3 and Mallrats 2 in the works. Assuming, of course, you’re not dreading those movies.