Irish Poltergeist Film Takes Web by Storm in The Gasp Menagerie

Being your devoted curator of The Menagerie is hard work, dear patrons. Sorting through the riff raff that wish to become part of the collection is often a tiring and challenging ordeal. If I were to add every purported piece of evidence out there in the wilds of the Internet to our collection, we’d need a dedicated server to manage it all.
No, we only offer up the very best creepy material to you, the patrons of our cabinet of curiosities. Some things just don’t make the cut.
Such is the case with this video, shot in Ireland, of a supposed poltergeist attack. This was brought to my attention by a few people, as it has gone quite viral after being posted on the site of venerable paranormal radio show Coast 2 Coast AM.
One Ashly Murphy posted it on her Facebook page, and the video can be watched below.
Compelling, yes? Well, at first glance.
I’ll offer the following: Do you notice how all the action occurs where the camera is posting? That all motion is of the kind that could be created by pulling the object with a thread or monofilament line? The smoking gun is when the breadbox moves: The camera moves to the breadbox just an instant before the box actually moves. There’s no reason to do this unless you knew it was next in line to get rambunctious. There’s also the psychological factor. You’d be moving the camera around, waiting for the next object to move, not letting it sit in one place and moving it when action happened.
No, my friends, this one won’t be going into The Menagerie, even if it’s reached over 12 million hits at the time of this writing. So please, stop passing it on to me… or anyone else for that matter. There’s no need to view this as anything other than a slightly clever hoax.
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Have a weird story? Potential evidence of the supernatural, or at least something hard to explain? Spot any creepy critters out there roaming the wilds? LET ME KNOW! I’d love to talk about it and possibly write it up right here in the Gasp Menagerie. You’ll get appropriate credit, of course, and everyone else will get fresh creepy (as opposed to fresh Creepy, which, trust me… nobody wants that) to enjoy. As always, I can be found at [email protected]. Now get out there, find some weird, and let’s get this party started.