Jill Marie Jones Talks About Her Role on Ash vs. Evil Dead

We recently had the opportunity of speaking with actress Jill Marie Jones, whose latest role has her leaping directly into the world of the Evil Dead with Bruce Campbell on the Starz channel’s original series “Ash vs. Evil Dead” when it hits the airwaves on October 31st (appropriately so). She was kind enough to give us a few minutes to discuss the role and what it was like to work with Mr. Campbell, so ease back and enjoy the read!
DC: Jill, can you set the show up for us, as well as a description of your character, Amanda?
JJ: I don’t want to say that the show is a continuation, but the amazing Bruce Campbell is reprising his role of Ash, which is so freakin’ hilarious. I knew how great he was at playing the character, but I never knew just how funny he was in real life because I’d met him for the first time in this process. The show picks up where he is in his life, and you’ve got these new characters, and my character, Amanda Fisher – she’s a Michigan State Trooper, and she went to a normal routine stop with a partner, and there’s some crazy stuff that goes on at this stop, and only in Evil Dead-world. There’s some blood goin’ on, and with everything that happens in this town, Ash’s name keeps coming up. My character feels like he’s involved, so her journey now is to hunt down Ash. She’s a total badass, shooting guns and knocking people out – I’ve never done physical work like this before and really didn’t know how much I would love it, and I do love it very much.
DC: Just how physical has the filming been?
JJ: It’s been very physical, and we have an amazing stunt department with a gym that’s set up on set – you can go in and hit a heavy bag or get some work in on firearms for preparation in Evil Dead land, and it’s something that I found within myself that I didn’t even know I loved!
DC: Were you already familiar with the Evil Dead films, or did you find yourself watching all of them in preparation for the role?
JJ: I was familiar with Evil Dead, but I’d never seen the movie before; as part of my process I watched them in a binge. Sam Raimi? Come on, man – we are so blessed to have that man be our leader – he is so incredible, and it’s great to meet people that you admire that have a heart of gold. He’s so calm and respectful, not only to the cast and crew, but everyone – he’s got a very nice touch, and it’s been a pleasure working with him.
DC: Can you give us a little insight about the sheer lunacy that’s involved with working alongside Bruce Campbell?
JJ: Bruce is our leader, and we just follow his lead, and it’s been amazing. I’d never met him before, and he does the character brilliantly – he’s incredibly funny on set as well. He welcomed us all with open arms and said that we’re all going to start our own journey, and I thank him for that.
DC: Jill, what do you have coming up in the future?
JJ: I have a lot of entrepreneurial things that I do as well – I’m a business lady outside of acting, but I’m up for two things right now that I really can’t go into much detail about, but one project is something that takes me back to my own history (wink, wink). I also write and have a show that’s being shot, so that’s it – I’m just an artist! (laughs)