Screamfest LA and Dread Central Hosting 10-Year Anniversary of John Gulager’s Feast

It’s difficult to fathom that ten years have passed since I phoned director John Gulager to inform him that my article on his “Project Greenlight” creature film Feast, which he was at that time sound mixing at Skywalker Ranch, was to receive the cover of Fangoria Magazine.
A decade later, and I’m pleased to announce that in conjunction with the venerated Screamfest LA Film Festival, I’ll be hosting a “10-Year Anniversary Cast and Crew Reunion” panel of Feast at the same on Friday, October 16, at 7:30 PM PT at TCL Chinese Theater (6801 Hollywood Blvd., Hollywood, CA).
Scheduled to be in attendance for the screening and following panel are Feast director John Gulager, writers Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton, production manager Nick Philips, and cast members Diane Goldner, Clu Gulager, Duane Whitaker, Krista Allen, and Judah Freidlander with more to be determined. (This being a Gulager film, it’s safe to say one may expect a packed panel!)
Said the filmmaker of the evening, ”It’s been ten years since we played Feast at Screamfest! Well, Honey Pie has turned the truck around, and we’re coming back, and there’s going to be a bunch of us. So come down and see our tender ‘coming of age’ film with the nuts from in front of the camera and behind it. Who knows what might happen? A brawl? Heh, you wish!”
Philips added, “After the initial shock that it has been ten years subsided, we wanted to find a way to celebrate the movie. So we hatched this screening and Q&A idea with the amazing people at Screamfest, and it took off from there. So many of the cast and crew were immediately up for it, and it was great to reconnect with them. All of us involved in Feast have always loved this insane movie, which has rightfully become a cult classic. We can’t wait to see it on the big screen again.”
Tickets to the screening are $11.00 and can be purchased here. For more on Screamfest (which runs from October 13-22), visit