Preview of The Twilight Saga: New Moon Trailer No. 2

In our never-ending quest to torture ourselves as brutally as Torquemada whipping himself at an altar while kneeling on broken glass, Nomad went through untold amounts of suffering to bring you the play-by-play of what to expect when the new trailer for The Twilight Saga: New Moon appears before Summit Films’ Bandslam today (Friday).
Here’s what he reported in:
Jacob (Taylor Lautner) explains that Bella (Kristen Stewart) is heartbroken when Edward (Robert Pattinson) leaves so he and Bella get closer. Before you know it, their deep friendship starts turning into something more.
Time passes.
Jacob is a stronger person now … physically and mentally … as demonstrated by a scene with him lifting a motorcycle out of a truck.
From there we are treated to obligatory shots of him sporting a new haircut and flirting with Bella while shirtless. Then we see he may be part of a gang of shirtless boys.
Next we flash to a room full of people wearing red cloaks, some vamp leaping, and then the black vamp from the first movie returns. It seems Bella is trying to protect Jacob from something.
Then Jacob leaps forward and turns into a wolf. No idea of scale is given, but we do see the full wolf form, and it’s your average looking, run of the mill wolf. CGI of course but pretty convincing. That was it. Very little of Edward is shown during the preview at all.
Dig on the clip from a couple of days ago which emphasizes a bit more shirtless flirtation. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to shower.
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