The Green Ghost Goes Full Superhero in New Poster

In true superhero style, the poster for The Green Ghost has all the characters standing in dramatic poses and looking serious. What else would you expect from the poster for a superhero flick?
The film follows the eponymous Green Ghost, who must prevent the Aztec Apocalypse, and stars Charles Clarke, Kuno Becker from the Goal movies, Marko Zaror, and the ever reliable Danny Trejo. Michael D. Olmos directs.
The Green Ghost had some footage screened at Fantastic Fest but does not yet have a release date.
In order to help save the world from an Aztec Apocalypse, a gringo from the barrio, raised by an elite group of covert Mexican warriors, has to overcome self-doubt, transforming into a superhero, The GREEN GHOST. As an orphan, in the care of a careless stepmother, Charlie longed to belong to someone. And for a while he did, his Nana. Nana raised Charlie, along with her own grandson, Marco, teaching them how to make tortillas and speak Spanish. But cooking wasn’t the only thing Nana was good at. She and Marco had a secret life, a duty to protect powerful emeralds that upon contact endow superhuman abilities.
Chasing after the emeralds is Lechusa, the fabled bruja (witch) and servant to the Aztec ruler, Montezuma. If Lechusa can assemble the emeralds, she will have the power to bring back Montezuma, ending the world as we know it. Charlie, on accident, was endowed with these powers, and after he used them to fight a neighborhood bully, it became clear that in order to protect Charlie, Nana and Marco had to leave him. Charlie was too young to understand their sacrifice, but the heartbreak of abandonment was tangible.
Charlie grows up. He goes into business for himself, creating an empire of successful car dealerships but never overcoming a deep sense of self-doubt and fear of abandonment. At the same time, a world-renowned anthropologist, whose career had been spent studying an emerald in his possession, passes away, leaving the emerald and research lab to his wayward son. This creates the perfect opportunity for Lechusa to slide in, gaining access not just to the emerald but to the son and the powers he processes. A power so strong, Charlie is put in real danger. He is now realizing that what he thought was abandonment was really sacrifice. He is called to fight but is so far from ready, he has to be teleported all over the globe to gain the skills necessary to stop Lechusa from bringing back Montezuma and save the world. But can Charlie find the power to overcome how everyone else sees him and transform himself from just a gringo to The Green Ghost?