Buffalo Dreams 2015 Announces Feature Film Selections

Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival has announced the lineup of feature films for its 2015 season, and we have all the details right here. With the likes of Bite, Old 37, Frankenstein’s Patchwork Monster, and Valley of the Sasquatch, it seems to have a little something for everyone!
From the Press Release:
The Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival runs eight days, with a special 3D screening of Aztec Blood at Flix Stadium 10 on Thursday, November 5th, and the festival proper at Eastern Hills Cinemas Friday, November 6th, to Thursday, November 12th.
Buffalo Dreams showcases genre films from around the world and supports local filmmakers. This year’s filmmaker guests include Christopher G. Giroux and Chad Archibald from Black Fawn Films, presenting the body horror sensation Bite; actress Debbie Rochon, presenting her directorial debut, Model Hunger (filmed in Buffalo); Isaac Ezban, screening an encore of his acclaimed first feature, El Incidente (The Incident), in a filmmaker retrospective that includes his short film Cosas Feas; local filmmakers Aceifer and Fawn Genovese, unleashing The Outlaw: Virus; and Paige K. Davis from distributor Alternative Cinema. In addition, co-chairs Gregory Lamberson and Chris Scioli promise two “special surprise features” which they cannot yet announce. In total, the festival will screen 23 features and 100 films in total.
“This year we received over 300 submissions,” says Lamberson, “and we plan to show one third of them. Making our final selections has never been so challenging; even with an expanded eight-day schedule we couldn’t show everything we liked. In the end, we’ve programmed according to our mission statement, with a mixture of North American, international, and local features. We’re excited about this lineup and can’t wait to announce our two surprise features.”
Official Selections in the music video, micro-short, short, and medium length film categories, as well as the finalists in the original screenplay competition, will be announced next week.
North American Features
Aztec Blood (US, horror) – Special 3D kick-off at Flix Stadium 10 on Thursday, November 5th
The Beautiful Ones (US, action/crime drama)
Bite (Canada, horror)
Counter Clockwise (US, SF)
Holy Hell (Canada, bizarro)
Late Night Double Feature (Canada, horror)
Old 37 (US, horror)
Pete’s All Stars (US, sports drama)
Parallel (US, SF)
Project M (Canada, SF)
Valley of the Sasquatch (US, horror)
International Features
Australiens (Australia, SF comedy)
Crushed (Australia, thriller)
A Dark Rome (Italy, thriller)
El Incidente/The Incident (Mexico, SF; non-competition encore)
Western New York Features
Dick Johnson & Tommygun vs. the Cannibal Cop (action/comedy/horror)
Frankenstein’s Patchwork Monster (experimental horror)
Killer Rack (horror comedy, non-competition)
Stand Off (action/horror)
Model Hunger (filmed in Buffalo; non-competition)
Sugar Wonder Blues (drama)
For more info visit the Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival website.