Devil Daggers Slicing Its Way Onto Steam


Who needs bullets when you can shoot daggers, eh? That’s the premise of Devil Daggers, a new indie game that sees you going up against horde after horde of demonic monstrosity by firing daggers out of your hands.

Better start sharpening those blades and practicing your throwing skills, as you’ll need all your wits about you if you are to defeat the legions of Hell. Especially because, similar to the games that it takes inspiration from, this won’t be a piece of cake.

Everything about the game, from the tough difficulty to the brilliantly retro graphics to the brutal “macho man vs. demon” scenario, was inspired by all the classic first-person shooters from the 1990s. Only there’s knives instead of bullets, so it’s like a stabby version of Doom.

Currently on Steam Greenlight, Devil Daggers will be released later this year.


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