Elder Scrolls Online: Orsinium Expansion Will Feature The Orc Homeland

Elder Scrolls Online is getting a new expansion, and it’s set in the orc homeland land of Orsinium. I won’t even make a joke about what that sounds like.
Far from the bloodthirsty, savage brutes of Tolkien’s orcs, or the thuggish, foul-mouthed, cockney accented ones from Warhammer, the orcs of Elder Scrolls have evolved into a fairly civilised race. Fairly. You can judge for yourself when you get to know them in their homeland.
In true Elder Scrolls style, there’ll be a huge area to explore, along with tons of new quests and secrets to uncover. You would expect nothing less from what is arguably the most popular western fantasy RPG series of all time (suck it Dragon Age).
Orsinium, the once-great capital city of the Orcs, has long lain abandoned and in ruin. King Kurog, reigning monarch of the Orcs, has sent invitations far and wide to enterprising adventurers. Join him in rebuilding the city and returning it to its former glory. Your efforts and actions while in Orsinium and the mountains of Wrothgar have a direct impact on the reconstruction effort—the city will visibly transform.
The largest ESOTU DLC game pack to date, Orsinium takes you to the mountains of Wrothgar, and to the Orc capital itself, to unravel plots and counter-plots, and encounter all-new enemies and allies. Whether you choose to strike out and explore this vast new zone on your own, play through the quests, face the challenges of the Maelstrom Arena, or team up with friends to take on the new public dungeons and world bosses, there’s something here for everyone.
Bethesda have clarified that there won’t be any new Elder Scrolls game for a while, so we’ll just have to make do with the expansions from now on. Elder Scrolls Online: Orsinium will be summoned on November 2nd.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eQO8eWkjdw]
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