Andre Tricoteux Talks About His Roles in iZombie and Warcraft

We recently had the opportunity of snagging a few minutes with Andre Tricoteux, the latest name to jump into the “iZombie” fray, and aside from his sturdy list of stunt work, he’ll also be starring in the upcoming Warcraft and Deadpool films. He was gracious enough to disclose as much as he was able to regarding his roles and future plans so settle in and enjoy!
DC: You recently signed on for a recurring role on “iZombie” – what, if anything can you tell us about the character you’ll be playing?
AT: (laughs) I’m not really allowed to say much, but I can say that I’ll be working closely with the character Blaine [played by David Anders], and I really think that people are going to be happy with some of the stuff that I do.
DC: Had you seen the series before, or did you find yourself watching it to try to catch up?
AT: I have watched it – I try to pay attention to all of the shows that are filmed here in Vancouver.
DC: If you can tell us – is this going to be a physical role for you?
AT: Yeah, I can say that there are some physical parts in it, for sure. It certainly was a very challenging role – my character is a big onion, and people are going to see a different layer peeled back in each episode that I’m in. There’s some unique things about this guy that are challenging about the way he communicates and the way he carries himself – I had a lot of fun playing him, and I hope that the “iZombie” audience really embraces him.
DC: You’re also set to play in the upcoming Warcraft film – what can you tell us about that?
AT: Well, Warcraft was something we finished filming back in the spring of 2014, and I haven’t seen the final cut of it yet, but I will say that a lot of effort was put into it to make it really true to the game. The developers wanted to make sure that the core audience would really be happy with it, and I think they’ll be thrilled – the CGI is next-level – it’s going to make Avatar look like a cartoon – people are going to be blown away by it. There’s a lot of great battle scenes, and I’ll be playing an Orc – we kick a lot of ass!
DC: Lastly, aside from the projects we’ve talked about, what else is coming up for you?
AT: I’ve got a couple of irons in the fire, but they’re not closed just yet, so we’ll see if they pan out, and I’ve also got Deadpool coming out in February, and we’ll see what else the future brings for me.