Joel Silver Planting Seeds for Swamp Thing’s Return?

To the best of my knowledge the world has not been clamoring for the big screen return of Swamp Thing but then it’s not like remaking DC Comic’s Swamp Thing would be sacrilege. Wes Craven’s 1982 film version was enjoyably campy and Jim Wynorski’s 1989 sequel tested the limits of campy fun; neither are classics. If uber producer Joel Silver wants to remake Swamp Thing in 3D, I say go for it.
In all honesty there may not be much to this story beside an off-the-cuff comment producer Joel Silver (who most recently dipped his feet in the horror waters with Orphan) made to Collider: “I’m developing a picture now that I’d like to do… I’ll hopefully do Swamp Thing, which is a movie we’ve had for a long time. We think that would be great to do in 3D. There are a couple of projects I’m thinking about (for the format) but not everything.”
Seeds have been planted, but as you can tell from that comment, there’s no guarantee a 3D Swamp Thing flick will ever grow from it. If it does happen, it’ll be curious to see what direction the project takes. Will it be in the vein of Craven’s b-movie version or go a more adult route building off the popular years Alan Moore wrote the comic. Remains to be seen, assuming there will ever be anything to be seen.
I for one think this would be a perfect franchise for Rob Zombie to reboot. Plenty of room for white trash swamp urchins, imagine “The Un-Men” Zombie could come up with, the metaphysical aspects would give Zombie carte blanche to go crazy with the visuals, Sheri Moon can play scantily clad love interest Abigail, and Tyler Mane is the perfect size to put inside the Swamp Thing costume. Who wouldn’t want to see Swamp Thing brutally stomp some redneck’s face in, look directly into the camera, and warn, “Do not bring your fuckin’ evil here, mutherfucker!”
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