Heavy Metal Vampire Comic Interceptor Blasting Its Way Onto the Big Screen

The upcoming comic series Interceptor, published by Heavy Metal, doesn’t launch until December; but a film adaptation is apparently already in the works.
The Hollywood Reporter informs us that Jeff Krelitz and David Boxenbaum will produce, alongside Heavy Metal president Brian Witten, who is confident that both the comic and film will represent everything that Heavy Metal stands for:
“Heavy Metal has a strong belief about the project and Donny Cates as writer and Dylan Burnett as artist. What they’ve created is something you haven’t seen before. We were already thinking about the film and TV possibilities when we started being approached by a few writers and directors about the project. We conveyed this to Donny, and he asked us to come on board as producers.”
Interceptor follows vampires in an apocalyptic environment, and in true Heavy Metal style, it sounds bat-shit crazy, as writer Donny Cates explains:
“It’s like this: Buffy in a mech suit lands in a Vampire Mad Max hell hole and unleashes a maelstrom of UV ballistics and neon and blood-soaked destruction,” he explained to THR. “Plus little kids with machine guns, robot spiders with laser gun turrets, Area 51 filled with vamp prisoners and alien tech, dog fights, space stuff, evil presidents! Immortal kings! Swords! Vampire punk bands! Did I mention huge mech suits!?!”
Thank god for Heavy Metal magazine, eh? We’ll keep you updated on the Interceptor film.