Exclusive: Z Nation’s Keith Allan Talks What’s Ahead for Murphy this Season

In last week’s episode of “Z Nation,” things got pretty interesting for anti-hero Murphy: He’s been reunited with the team that’s trying to get him to California, and his zombaby was born. To find out what’s next for him, we chatted with series star Keith Allan. Read on for the lowdown!
Dread Central: We love him, but that Murphy is such a bastard! Always bailing on the people who have risked their lives to help him and get him to safety. Even so, he seems to be a fan favorite no matter how many times he lets those folks down. It must be a lot of fun to play him, right? How do you account for his popularity, and do you think he’s redeemable?
Keith Allan: Well, first of all, I think you are asking the wrong question. As an actor, one of the first things I learned is not to judge the character you are portraying. So I don’t see him as a bastard. I also don’t think the others are risking their lives to help him. I think their agenda is not about Murphy’s well-being but about a greater good for humanity. He is to a great degree a commodity. A package that needs to be delivered. That’s why Murphy is justified in some of the more unpopular decisions he makes… he’s trying to survive the best he can like everybody else. So that combo makes for a very fun character to play. I think people watching the show get that. He is a victim of unfortunate circumstance, and people can identify with that… somewhat.
DC: Your relationship with the zombies – and especially Cassandra now that she has semi-turned – is so interesting. Can you shed a bit of light on that and let us know what it’s been like working with Pisay [Pao] in such a different way this season?
KA: Well, as Murphy evolves into this new breed, he is discovering new talents and new attitudes towards these zombies. He is the one character asking the bigger question: Are they more than monsters? Are we selling these zombies short? With Cassandra, Murphy has a closeness more so than any other zombie since he created her. He gets her like none other. A deeper vibe runs through these two. Pisay is great… really committing to this new side of Cassandra and getting a bit primal with it. Completely different than Season 1.
DC: Your appearance has evolved as the episodes have progressed… what’s the makeup process like for you? Will you be deteriorating more as time goes on?
KA: Well, my look does change as Season 2 continues. It’s slight, but you can see the strain of all of this takes a toll on Murphy.
The makeup is extensive. Two hours every day with two people working on me just to do my face and hands. Full torso with scars is five hours. My look and all the zombies are created by Synapse FX, who bring it every day!!! They are such a big part of the success of the look of “Z Nation.”
DC: In the last episode your baby daughter, Lucy, was born, and you’re already bonding with her. But in the preview your compadres seem to be growing suspicious of her. Going back to the redemption theme, do you think Murphy would put himself at risk for Lucy, or would he screw her over like everyone else just to save his ass?
KA: Well, again, by saving his ass he saves humanity’s chances. I think with any parent your instincts override your own sense of self, and it becomes more about someone else. Someone dependent on you is a whole different thing for Murphy. He’s smitten.
DC: So far in Season 2 you’ve survived a nuclear armageddon, tried Z-weed, and had that zombaby we just mentioned – talk about a wild ride! But knowing the folks behind “Z Nation,” we have no doubt there’s plenty more mayhem to come. Can you tell us anything about what’s ahead during the second half of the season?
KA: We reunite with some familiar faces we’ve seen in previous episodes and have lots of adventures. Murphy is developing his connection to the zombies more and more… seeing what he can get away with. And more zombies of course!!
DC: Are you a fan of zombie movies and horror films in general? Can you share a few of your favorites, and have any of them influenced the way you portray Murphy on the show?
KA: Oh yeah, I’m a sci-fi, horror, superhero, monster-loving geek from way back. I also co-wrote a couple zombie films for Syfy and another mutant gator movie to boot. Alien has to be my favorite monster movie of all time. It never gets old for me… sheer genius. Shaun of the Dead was such a brilliant combination of comedy and horror and a smart commentary about our daily lives as zombies…. big fan.
DC: Aside from more “Z Nation” (we’re rooting for another season or two at least!), what else is coming up for you? You previously co-wrote and directed 11/11/11 – any more plans to go behind the camera?
KA: Yes, I’d love to get a chance to direct an episode of “Z Nation,” so I’m bugging them about that. I also have a film I’m trying to get produced that I would act in and direct called Hearts Like Fists. It’s a graphic novel style dark comedy based on a play I did in Los Angeles a couple years ago. Very fun. If you go to my website keithallanactor.com, there are links to that and some of my other projects… check ’em out!
DC: Halloween is quickly approaching… is it a popular holiday at your house? Do you have any annual traditions you’re looking forward to?
KA: I’m always looking for a good costume party. I love it when people commit. In West Hollywood they shut down blocks and blocks for the big Halloween crawl… that’s fun. I generally don’t plan too far ahead and am often winging it, but I have enough interesting stuff shoved in the back of the closet that I can usually pull it off. This year Anastasia [Baranova, who plays Addy] and myself will be in Atlanta for Walker Stalker for Halloween… that should be off the hook!!!
DC: Is there anything else you’d like to mention that’s not covered here? And thanks so much for your time, Keith!
KA: I’m going to be attending some conventions in the coming months so if anyone is in the hood, come say hi. I’ll be at Grand Rapids Comic Con the weekend of October 16-18 and, as mentioned, Atlanta’s Walker Stalker Con over Halloween weekend. Then in Milan, Italy, on November 22 and in Germany on December 5… should be fun having a chance to get some “Z” love first-hand!
“Z Nation” Episode 2.06 – “Zombie Baby Daddy” (10/16/15)
While Murphy (Keith Allan) is falling for his baby girl, the rest of the team is suspicious of her. Vasquez (Matt Cedeno) sneaks away for a meeting; 10K (Nat Zang) makes a difficult decision.
For more info keep your eyes on “Z Nation” on Syfy.com and follow @ZNation on Twitter.