Meme Mayhem! Brain-Melting Meme of the Day!

Memes are everywhere. In fact John Oliver just did a segment on them during his latest episode of “Last Week Tonight.” In said segment Oliver discussed how ridiculous memes have become, stating simply that if you put text over a random picture of anyone, people will believe the subject of the image in fact did say the quote regardless if they have or not.
This latest one, though? This one kind of broke our minds. Will you suffer the same fate?!? Behold an Elvira quote attributed to Vampira over an image of Morticia from the Addams Family movie instead of Morticia from the show, instead of Lily Munster from “The Munsters.”
SORCERY! Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to go apply some ice to our heads. The space-time continuum has definitely been screwed with.