Friday the 13th Still Searching for Writers; Moves to 2017

Here. Allow me to help prospective writers out a bit in terms of a story for the new Friday the 13th. Kids show up in the woods. Kids are violently dispatched in ironic ways. Jason is temporarily stopped for the sequel. There’s always a sequel.
Jason doesn’t take hostages, protect pot fields, or court fancy chicks who remind him of mom. He’s also not afraid of water, has never gone to hell, and does not jump from body to body. Though he has been known to engage in stiff bouts of homoerotic shaving, that’s a tale for a different time.
That should do it, no? In any event, yeah, Paramount has bumped the film’s release date to 2017 and according to Bloody Disgusting is fielding fresh script pitches. Guess the one from “Hannibal” screenwriter Nick Antosca didn’t work out!
Last we heard, it’s possible that the reboot will be set in the 80s, and Platinum Dunes producer Brad Fuller recently noted that they’re looking to go back to the series’ old-school, summer camp roots. David Bruckner is still on board to direct.