Dead and All Messed Up? How About Some Zombie Beauty Tips?

Being a zombie can be challenging. There’s always something drooping here, tearing there, and sagging… or dragging… oh, you get the idea! Now, with the help of this infographic from Ogle School, you can take care of all that nasty rot and skin-eating bacteria as a means to look your flesh-eating best!
Are you tired of not being invited to parties because you’re “a rotted, blood-soaked legion of the undead”? Sick of going on date after date, only to have none of them ever return your phone calls? (I mean, okay, they’re not calling you back because you ripped their hearts out with your bare hands, but whatever. You can’t help it if you’re a free spirit!)
If you’re a demonic/undead/quirky gal suffering from any of these pesky issues, read on for tips on how to go from monstrous to fabulous.