Elijah Wood Talks Upcoming SpectreVision Projects Bad Vibes and The Greasy Strangler

Elijah Wood’s genre-driven production company SpectreVision has already made its mark on the scene in just a couple short years, with films like Open Windows, A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, and Cooties thus far being served up by the brand. What’s next? Read on for details!
We tip our hats to Bloody Disgusting reporter Jonny Bunning for filming a recent Q&A session Elijah Wood took part in after the UK premiere of Cooties, wherein the actor/producer briefly touched upon several projects in the works over at SpectreVision. First up, he talked a bit about The Greasy Strangler, an oddball horror flick that sounds wonderfully bonkers.
“The script came to me, and it’s the most ridiculous, crazy, fucked up, hilarious thing I’ve ever read,” raved Wood. “I was like, ‘We must do this!’ It’s a movie about a serial killer who’s naked and covers himself in grease and murders people – but it’s really a movie about a father and a son. I don’t even know what it is. But it’s great.”
The feature directorial debut of Jim Hosking, The Greasy Strangler will follow Ronnie, a man who runs a disco walking tour along with his browbeaten son, Brayden. When a sexy, alluring woman comes to take the tour, it begins a competition between father and son for her attentions. It also signals the appearance of an oily, slimy inhuman maniac who stalks the streets at night and strangles the innocent.
Wood also talk about the John Landis-produced Bad Vibes, which looks to be anything but a typical werewolf flick.
“We’ve got a movie called Bad Vibes, which is our sort of psychedelic werewolf film that we’re gonna start shooting,” he noted. “It’s about a band in the ’60s – they’re a relatively popular psychedelic band. The story is the lead singer of this band has sex with a groupie, and the lycan sort of thing is sexually transmitted. And rather than it being a full physical transformation, it’s like an ideological one, and he becomes a nihilist. He just wants to keep fucking other people so they can spread that nihilism. It’s so great. We start shooting that in January.”
Also in the works? Richard Stanley’s H.P. Lovecraft adaptation Color Out of Space. Watch the videos below for all the info!