Dead as Punk Howls in New Music Video for Throw Me to the Wolvez

Fans of Spider One from Powerman 5000, take note: The charismatic singer from the industrial metal outfit has branched out with Dead as Punk, an electro/dance/rap outfit based in Los Angeles. Just in time for Halloween, the group has unveiled the music video for their single “Throw Me to the Wolvez,” which, as you may have guessed, features a gang of werewolves. I’ve gotta say — it’s catchy as hell.
From the Press Release:
Los Angeles electro/dance/rap duo DEAD AS PUNK unleash the biting psychotic beat-down “Throw Me to the Wolvez.” Combining expert pop chops with fuck you punk rock swagger, co-vocalists Spider One and Chrissy Fox declare war on all that other shit you’ve been listening to. DEAD AS PUNK rap, scream, and sing their way to a sound that’s comparable to… well, nothing really.
As the first massive kick drum drops on this four on the floor anthem, you know you’re in for some serious trouble. Spider One rumbles his pop poet madness with the skill of a professional shit talker. He promises, “I’m the best, I’m the beast, I’ll be Jaws, you’re the feast, I’ll be Krueger, and you’ll be Elm Street.”
And don’t think you get off any easier when resident hottie Chrissy Fox chimes in. She warns, “While you’re staring at my ass, I’ll be coming for your throat. We gots this bitch surrounded, and you gots no place to go!” No place to go indeed, except straight to to pledge your allegiance to your favorite new band.
Accompanying the single is the group’s self-directed anarchic music video. The clip plays like a West Coast version of the 1979 cult classic The Warriors high on too much Halloween candy. The opening frames showcase our heroes leading a rabid gang of wolves through the very unglamorous streets of Los Angeles. Cloaked in their DEAD AS PUNK colors, the carnivorous crew is clearly out for blood tonight. Spider (with trusty baseball bat in hand) hops between looking like a bastard child of Combat Rock-era Clash and a guy that just stole your TV while Chrissy romps in lock-step, proving without a doubt that beauty and a bad attitude are a lethal combination.
The rest is pure lawless bliss as DEAD AS PUNK and the wolf crew terrorize the burning Los Angeles night to a soundtrack guaranteed to rattle your brain in perpetuity.
Now that you’ve properly digested Dead as Punk’s official press release for “Throw Me to the Wolvez,” you can check out the music video with a renewed sense of accomplishment. The clip is below.