Sundance Explores The Shining Subliminally


Stanley Kubrick’s version of Stephen King’s The Shining has been studied, torn apart, put together, further dissected, and then reassembled. Rightly so, too, as the film is a classic in every sense of the word.

Our buddies over at SundanceTV have put up a rather interesting article regarding some of the subliminal messages that are strewn throughout the film. There are a couple of examples below. Hit that link for even more.

Bullshit or not bullshit? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.

Sell Your Soul at 666
At exactly 66 minutes and 6 seconds into the film, we cut from an image of the very devilish Lloyd the bartender to a shot of Jack taking his first drink, a drink he said he’d give his “goddamn soul” for just a few minutes prior. We’ll just leave you with that one…

The Black Curtain
In the scene in which Jack telephones Wendy to tell her he’s got the job at the Overlook Hotel, at the far right of the screen, a black curtain is seen covering the entrance, tucked behind a radiator. This black curtain is not seen in any other scene of the film; however, we will see a curtain tucked behind a radiator later in the film, in the Torrences’ apartment living room. When the Torrences are first introduced to their quarters, the living room curtain is to the left of the archway, separating the living room from the bedroom, but in every scene after they have crossed the threshold, the curtain is to the right of the archway. As the black curtain scene is bookended by two scenes showing Danny talking to Tony in the bathroom mirror and immediately precedes Danny’s vision of the bloody elevator, the black curtain functions as an omen that, once broken, seals the occupant’s doom.

The Shining



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