Marla Mae Trailer Appears; Fugitive Jailed as a Result


Remember a while back when we brought you a news story about an indie horror flick named Marla Mae that resulted in the arrest of a criminal named Jason Stange?

Here’s a quick recap:

Jason Stange was sentenced to 117 months in prison back in 2006, after pleading guilty to an armed bank robbery. In July of 2014, Stange violated his probation, disappearing from a halfway house in Washington and becoming a wanted fugitive.

Exactly one year after Stange ran from the law, he was spotted in an article posted over on The Olympian, which covered the production of a local horror film called Marla Mae. Stange appeared in two photos included in the article, leading to his arrest.

The 44-year-old plays a leading role in the movie, which wrapped up filming in Olympia, Washington. The U.S. Marshal Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force tracked down the filming location from a permit and promptly arrested the fugitive/actor at a nearby restaurant.

Check out the trailer for the flick below.

Marla Mae Trailer
marla mae stange

Marla Mae



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