The Witcher Heading to the Big Screen

With Warcraft and Assassin’s Creed forthcoming, it seems that we may finally be entering the age of good video game movies. And now we have another film to add to that list. Platige reports that The Sean Daniel Company is adapting The Witcher in time for 2017. Tomasz BagiĆski, known for his Oscar-nominated short The Cathedral, will direct, and “Buffy“ writer Thania St. John will provide the screenplay.
Yeah, okay, you can argue that it’s not exactly a video game adaptation as it originated as a series of novels by Andrzej Sapkowski, but let’s face it… the film wouldn’t be happening were it not for the games. They made the series huge. Their popularity will be the film’s key selling point.
As diehard fans will remind you, this won’t be the first time that The Witcher has been adapted into a film. There was a piece of trash released in 2001 called The Hexer, which was a cobbled together mess of footage from an equally crap TV series, but the less said about that, the better.
As is the custom when one of these announcements is made, expect fans to enter into endless debates about who should play Geralt of Rivia. Interestingly, this will be the first in a series, so don’t feel to depressed if your favorite characters don’t appear as they could show up as the franchise progresses.