Happy Halloween from ArieScope Pictures: The Jack Chop

Holy shit! Those are the only words that came to mind while watching the latest Halloween themed short from Adam Green and ArieScope Pictures. Starring Paul Solet (Grace), Jack Chop is an infomercial that would have Vince (you’re gonna love his nuts) from “Slap Chop” pissing in his pants! Watch and enjoy!
A Note from Adam Green
For eleven years straight, ArieScope Pictures has had a tradition of making a Halloween short film for our website. As a means of celebrating our humble beginnings, the rule has always been that we do it in one night and for absolutely no money… just like how we made COLUMBUS DAY WEEKEND, the short film that started it all for us back in 1998. Over the past decade the annual Halloween Shorts have amassed a huge following, and every fall we get hundreds of letters asking when the new one will be posted. It has not only become a great gift for the fans, but a great gift for OURSELVES as for one night we get to act like idiots and do whatever we feel like. No Hollywood politics, no standards to meet, no demographics to hit, no critics to please – just whatever the f**k we want to do. It’s just enough to keep us all sane, and it always reminds us why we wanted to do all of this in the first place.
For a while it was looking like there was just no way to pull off a short this year. Between delivering GRACE, doing another five shorts for our ROAD TO FRIGHTFEST, finishing post-production on FROZEN, doing pre-production on our TV pilot for COFFEE & DONUTS, and getting things started on the next feature (which news will be breaking on shortly)… “free time” just was not presenting itself in any way, shape or form. But in the final hour we found inspiration and pushed ourselves to make something for the fans, no matter how small. And within 45 minutes of our shoot – man, were we glad we made it happen! Shooting JACK CHOP was probably the most fun we have ever had making one of these.
So sit back for 3 minutes and enjoy our spoof of one of the most horrifically annoying infomercials on television right now – with our Halloween spin of course! To the ArieScope fans/friends/family… to the HATCHET Army… and to every one of my fans with a computer and an internet connection… I wish you the most happy Halloween season ever and I thank you all for your continued support and loyalty. I hope that JACK CHOP puts some smiles on your faces during what I know has been a tough year for many of you.
All of my very best – and I’ll see you in theaters this winter with FROZEN.
Happy Halloween!
-Adam Green”
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