Behind the Visual Effects of Fear Clinic

Recently Heather Wixson took a tour of writer/director Robert Hall’s special effects studio, Almost Human. While touring the facility, Wixson ran into Erik Porn, Shop Coordinator, who was working on some of the visual effects for the upcoming FearNet web series “Fear Clinic”.
“Fear Clinic” not only uses over 100 practical effects throughout the series but features around 350 CG visual effects as well.
Take a look as Hall and Porn discuss how to make one of the scenes a little creepier and get a rare, behind-the-scenes look at “Fear Clinic” before it debuts on FearNet on October 26th.
“Fear Clinic” stars Robert Englund, Kane Hodder, Danielle Harris, and Lisa Wilcox. It was written by Aaron Drane, and Hall not only oversaw the effects but directed the project as well.
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