In A Spiral State Screening This Friday 10/16/09

Ramzi Abed’s metaphysical thriller In a Spiral State is holding its microcinema premiere at the Echo Park Film Center this Friday, October 16, from 7:00 pm to 11:00 pm.
Abed’s disturbing and creepy In a Spiral State stars Ofri Fuchs, Adam Meir, Juliana Fine, Lizzy Strain, Bianca Barnett, Jed Rowen, Elissa Dowling, Mae Moreno, and Messy Stench. A Q&A and public reception with special guests will follow the screening, and DVDs will be available for purchase and signing also.
Here’s more info:
Echo Park Film Center
1200 N. Alvarado Street (@ Sunset Blvd), Los Angeles, CA 90026
(213) 484-8846
Abed shows us Los Angeles through the eyes of an angel named Daya (Fuchs) who’s become mesmerized by the city’s interconnected yet utterly isolated inhabitants, particularly its struggling and flawed artists, frauds, and drug addicts. Of particular interest to Daya is suicidal actress Maya (Fine) and murderous femme fatales Marlena (Barnett), Danielle (Strain), and Honey (Dowling). An angel named Gadi (Meir) tries to prevent Daya from interfering in their lives, but he is unable to stop the empathetic Daya as she is drawn into the frightening and twisted machinations of the city’s underbelly.
In A Spiral State [official trailer] from Halo-8 Entertainment on Vimeo.
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