Demonic Birds Strike in The Unkindness of Ravens; Help Fund and Watch Extreme Trailer

Lawrie Brewster (Lord of Tears) describes his next horror film as “Apocalypse Now meets The Evil Dead,” and he’s just taken to Kickstarter in an effort to fund the epic horror fantasy. It’s called The Unkindness of Ravens, and we’ve got all the information you need. So read on!
Written by Sarah Daly and starring Jamie Scott Gordon, the supernatural/psychological feature introduces new horror icons The Raven Warriors, entirely original creations borne out of extensive research into the mythology of ravens. Inspired by the Valkyries of Norse mythology as well as the Celtic Morrigan, these evil raven-headed beasts stalk the earth, seeking suitable victims. They hunt in a flock, or “unkindness,” and their ultimate prize is the juicy white eyeballs of their chosen victim.
Using these new villains as the launching point, The Unkindness of Ravens tells the story of Andrew, a homeless veteran plagued by flashbacks of a traumatic event he witnessed in the Army. Andrew travels to a retreat in the remote Scottish Highlands hoping to overcome his fear of ravens, the dark creatures that populate his visions. But, in this bleak wilderness, his nightmares manifest into an enemy more powerful than he could ever have imagined.
Check out the extreme trailer below, and head over to Indiegogo to learn more and help fund The Unkindness of Ravens!