Exclusive: Dread Central Hosts the Online Debut of Short Film Knock

Last week we brought you the first look at the trailer and concept art for writer/director Joseph I. Martinez’s award-winning and witchy short Knock, and as promised, today we’re bringing you the film in its entirety!
Written and directed by Martinez, who also produced along with his brother, Will Martinez, Knock revolves around (according to the film’s logline) “Murielle (actress Noelle Ann Mabry), who, chased from an abandoned mine, runs for her life. Is she the victim of a Halloween prank, or has the legendary witch come to steal her soul?”
The cast is rounded out by Arielle Brachfeld (Chemical Peel), Alexandra Hendricks, Anthony Adryan Hurtado, and Ashley Pallas as the witch “Icka Crombie,” with David M. Brewer serving as director of photography, makeup and effects by Anjanette Caron, score by John Argosino, and eye-popping production design by Sally Levi.
Of the unique design, filmmaker Martinez answered when queried of the inspiration, “I give all the credit to my amazingly talented and hardworking [production designer] Sally. Overall we wanted to bring the outside indoors and make the room feel like a mine; pictures of trees and wild animals, paper stars, a rope spider web… Sally made amazing wallpaper using old newspapers to add a visual and physical texture to the bare spots in the wall. She also added little details like how all the animal figures and pictures stare at the sisters and the creepy dripping handprints on the dresser.”
Having originally premiered on the fest circuit earlier this year and having won “Best Paranormal Horror Micro Short” at Fear Fete 2015, the short serves as a proof of concept piece for a feature version entitled American Witch, a script for which is hosted on The Black List.
Says Martinez of his inspirations for the film, “There were three. Two of them were tales from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark – “The Big Toe” and “Such Things Happen” – and the third is the legendary game we’d dare each other play as kids: Bloody Mary.”
Have a first look at Knock below, and for more info and to stay up-to-speed on American Witch, be sure to ”like” Knock on Facebook.