UPDATED: Paranormal Activity Throwing Ten Parties to Celebrate Its Success

The final weekend box office numbers are in, and once again Paranormal Activity kicked a copious amount of ass, earning a per screen average that was almost three times as much as its closest competitor. And to celebrate, Paramount is throwing a party at the first ten theatres that sell out their midnight screenings for this coming Thursday night.
First, the **updated** numbers. Per Box Office Mojo, Paranormal Activity came in 3rd and raked in $19,617,650, or an average of $25,813 on each of its 760 screens. This raises its total thus far to $33,171,743. Wow. And congratulations again to Oren, Katie, Micah, and the brain trust at Paramount on the success of their brilliant film and equally brilliant marketing campaign.
As a comparison, the tepid The Stepfather remake (review here) came in 5th with $11,581,586 (2,734 screens, $4,236 each). And Zombieland (review here) continued its winning ways for Sony with an additional $7,616,939 (and a 7th place spot), bringing its three-week gross to $60,640,317.
Now, the good stuff. PARTIES! Here’s how it works:
The first ten theaters to sell out the 12:01 AM showtime on 10.23.09 (to clarify 11:59 PM 10.22.09 | 12:01 AM 10.23.09) will receive an exclusive Paranormal Activity party.

Here’s how you can make this happen in YOUR town:
And that’s all there to it!
Except, of course, making sure you are following @TweetYourScream on Twitter and have joined the official Paranormal Activity Facebook fan page!
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