Danny Boyle Interested in Directing 28 Months Later

Let’s play a little game, shall we? Every so often we post news that we’ve learned, not rumor or conjecture. Immediately other sites go out of their way to call bullshit on us and work feverishly to disprove what we told you. For example: We told you ages ago a new Ghostbusters was coming, and years later one is on its way. We told you that a new Evil Dead was filming before anyone, and lo and behold, we got a remake. We told you YEARS ago that a new Phantasm film was coming, and then “out of nowhere” news of the flick Phantasm V: Ravager was everywhere.
See a trend? In 2010 we told you that Danny Boyle was interested in returning to the director’s chair for 28 Months Later. We took no end of shit for it. Now it seems as if the idea of directing the film is becoming more and more enticing to the man.
Boyle sat down with IGN recently and told them that he’d return to the director’s chair if the film is sufficiently different frin what’s gone before.
“I love doing stuff that is ‘How are you going to direct that? How would you do that?’ It’s like this project – it’s like the Steve Jobs,” said Boyle. “You go ‘How are you going to do that?’ That’s a wonderful place to start off. The worst place is when you know how to do it. Or you think you do. Because actually you don’t. The audience spot that quite quickly – they’re weird, and rightfully so, they’re righteous judges of us. They go ‘Oh, he’s done that before – that’s crap.’ I’ve learnt that. So if it’s something that I’ve felt that about, then I’d have no hesitation.”
As for writer Alex Garland’s idea for the film’s story, Boyle isn’t giving anything away but calls it “lovely.” Twice.
“It is a good idea, which I can’t obviously say what it is. But it’s a lovely idea. Because there’s been so many stories told since we did the first one – you know in television and other movies and stuff like that. It’s become such a popular device – the walking dead if you like, or zombies, or the infected as we called them. But he had a lovely idea on them, and it’s being worked on. It’s not as far advanced – I can’t tell you more about it than that, because it’s not as far advanced as Trainspotting 2, but then it started later. Ten months seems like a long time to you guys, but in terms of the gestation of things, that’s not an enormous amount of time. I wouldn’t be over-concerned yet that it’s not going to arrive.”
I’m thinking vindication is once again on its way, and as always, it tastes so good.