Alien: Covenant Will Feature New Xenomorphs; Michael Biehn Talks Neill Blomkamp’s Planned Sequel

There’s so much going on in the Alien universe right now that it’s become hard to keep track of it all, but we’re doing our best to stay on top of this one. For now, all you need to know is that Ridley Scott is working on Prometheus sequel Alien: Covenant, and today brings some more information.
The folks over on Scified got their hands on a big time scoop about the project, exclusively revealing that the sequel, which is of course a prequel to the original Alien, will feature new monsters that contain familiar strands of DNA. In so many words, they’re Xenomorphs, but entirely new breeds.
Per the site…
“The movie will have 2 Monsters, one is new and both are different yet similar to the Xeno DNA. The NEW Monster is a New Event, so it’s nothing created before the Events of the end of the First movie…. it’s created by an event in the movie… and this New Monster is going to be based off of the Original Concept that Alien drew influence from, and this idea is something they had planned with Spaights’ Ultramorph and so Giger’s Necomonicon 4 is the starting point. This Monster will be transparent like a Jelly Fish to a degree…. and it’s hinted that David plays a part in its creation. The movie won’t be going the route of an Alien movie, just we will see more clues and things that we can relate and make connection to the Xeno DNA and Bio-Mechanics of the Engineers. The movie will loosely touch upon themes that can connect to the Prometheus Mythos and the Bible but more in respect to the Paradise Lost version of events but again loosely. They won’t be going a full blown Ancient Aliens in detail on us, just we can make subtle links to themes, such as Rebellion, Order of Creation (that has multiple layers that does not start with the Engineers and does not end with David). Stealing of Forbidden Knowledge and Fire and how playing God and going against God always has dire consequences.”
While Alien: Covenant heads to theaters on October 6, 2017, the fate of District 9 director Neill Blomkamp’s planned Alien sequel hangs in the balance at the moment. If it does happen, Michael Biehn is set to reprise the role of Corporal Hicks, and he just spoke with Icons of Fright about the project.
“The basic idea is acting like Alien 3 and 4 never existed,” said Biehn. “I know Ridley Scott is doing his movie first and is going to be the executive producer on this one, so I’m really looking forward to that. I know that Ridley’s focus is on the second Prometheus and I’m sure that he and Fox both don’t want that and Neill’s movie to come out right next to each other, because they’re kind of two different worlds, with Aliens taking place thousands of years later, which is how they explained it all to me, but at the same time, they want to give them a similar feel. I know they’re putting the brakes on Neill’s movie just for a little while, but I really think that it would be embarrassing to Ridley and Fox and Sigourney if they just didn’t make the movie.”
“They’re planning on bringing me and Newt back, and at this point Newt will be around twenty-seven years old,” he continued. “I know that every actress in Hollywood is going to want to play this one; it’s really a passing of the torch between Sigourney and this younger actress who would play Newt. It would keep the franchise alive and the studios would make money because that’s what the bottom line is now: money.”
Ain’t that the truth.