Para-Knockers Activity Prepares to Go Hump in the Night

Fitting that this film be announced during Breast Cancer Awareness Month because if there is one man who is keenly aware of breasts, it would be Jim Wynorski. Having given us such horror-inspired softcore sex spoofs as The Witches of Breastwick, The Bare Wench Project, The Breastford Wives, and Cleavagefield, Wynorski is now setting his sights on a current horror hit with Para-Knockers Activity.
Yes. Para-Knockers Activity. There will definitely be bumps in the night – great big bumps that come in pairs. There will also be things that go hump in the night. Expect a whole lot of activity going on in that bedroom in Wynorksi’s version, and some of it might even be paranormal.
Wynorski tells me he plans to follow Paranormal Activity beat-by-beat and is still “working out the kinks” (as well as adding a bit of kink, if you catch my drift). He’ll have to hurry since shooting of Para-Knockers Activity is to commence right after Halloween.
I’m going to assume that Wynorksi’s sexploitation spoof will cost more than Paranormal Activity‘s $11,000 budget. After all, breast implants aren’t cheap.

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