The House of the Devil: Live Twitter Chat with Director Ti West

Ah, Twitter. You’ve changed just about everything, haven’t you? You and your little bird. I never thought I’d ever partake in something known as “tweeting”, but yes, I too am addicted! Now members of the online mini-blogging service will have a chance to talk with director Ti West about his latest film The House of the Devil (review here).
From the press release
As THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL prepares to open on Halloween, we want to give fans an opportunity to conduct a live twitter chat (at #DEVILHOUSE) with filmmaker Ti West!
It is simple to participate. At 11am PST on Thursday, 10/29, log in to Twitter and put #DEVILHOUSE in the search bar and hit enter. You are now following the conversation. If you have a question, be sure to put the #DEVILHOUSE tag in it. This way the question will stay on this thread. We expect a large turnout so please be patient we while try to answer as many questions as possible. We appreciate your support in getting our vital message out to the public.
In the meantime, please follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates on THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL and all of our upcoming films.
Feel free to tweet “Live Chat w/ #DEVILHOUSE director Ti West. Thurs 10/29 11-12pm PST. Join us @ #DEVILHOUSE“.
That being said … make sure you follow @unclecreepy and @dreadcentral as well to tune in to our own brand of 140-character madness!
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