Elm Street’s New Mom, Connie Britton, Talks Remake

Connie Britton, who plays Nancy’s mom in Samuel Bayer’s re-imagining of the Wes Craven classic A Nightmare on Elm Street, is never one to mince words, and she had some really interesting things to say about the new film. Curious? We know you are.
In a recent interview with The New York Post Britton had this to say:
“You are going to be shocked to hear this; I’d never seen ‘Elm Street’ before we started shooting. Isn’t that funny?” adding that it was her intention to give her a fresh take on the character. “That was my intention, but also because I’m a scaredy cat,” she tells the Post. “I’ve known Rob Zombie for a long time and he’s always been telling me, ‘Connie, you gotta make a horror movie!’ But I was still too chicken. But when I heard Jackie Earle Haley was doing Freddy, I thought that this was the time. But in retrospect, now that I’ve seen a good part of the original, it made no difference because what we do in the new one is so substantially different.”
Post interviewer Jarett Wieselman also added, “I was interviewing Robert Englund the other day and he singled out your casting as one of his favorite elements of the reboot because you can elevate the classic role.”
Britton’s reply: “That was kind of my hope, too. I’m not sure if we accomplished that though. The truth is, I don’t think the role is as well represented in the movie as it could have been. My sense is that the focus won’t be on my character as much as I previously thought, but we’ll see.”
So what will be well represented? I guess we’ll see when A Nightmare on Elm Street hits theatres on April 30, 2010. Stay tuned.
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