Fun Video Tracks the History of Zombies in Movies and TV

Ever since the undead burst onto the scene back in the Thirties – 1932’s White Zombie is widely considered the first true zombie film – a whole lot of changes have been made to the landscape of that particular sub-genre. Most notably, Night of the Living Dead completely broke the mold.
With his debut feature, George A. Romero turned zombies from mindless slaves into terrifying monsters, and the genre hasn’t looked back since. Thanks in no small part to “The Walking Dead,” zombies are more popular than ever, and today we reflect upon their pop culture dominance.
This nearly four-minute video edited together by Eliza Bray takes you on a fun journey that tracks the history of zombies in movies and TV, featuring clips from some of the best and worst exports of the sub-genre. Watching them back to back, you really get a sense of how much has changed.
But enough foreplay. Check out the video below!