Dread Central’s Best and Worst Horror Films of 2015
- Anthony Arrigo’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Ari Drew’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Debi “The Woman in Black” Moore’s Best and Worst of 2015
- The Foywonder’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Gareth Jones’ Best and Worst of 2015
- John Squires’ Best and Worst of 2015
- Matt Molgaard’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Paul “Nomad” Nicholasi’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Stephen Romano’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Steve “Uncle Creepy” Barton’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Todd Rigney’s Best and Worst of 2015
- Trisha Chambers’ Best and Worst of 2015
Trisha Chambers
Ah, another year gone, and now I must bring together what I feel were the best and the worst of 2015.
There was a lot of bad this year so let’s start with my 5 worst since I like to save the best for last.
I put these as my top 5 worst because, let’s face it, they just suck and are a waste of your time…
Sinister 2
The Gallows
The Lazarus Effect
Sharknado 3
Knock, Knock
Now for my favorite 5 of 2015. I will admit there are a few that look really promising that I have not seen yet and those are: The Witch, Krampus, and Maya. But I found these all clever and fun, and they don’t lack in anything when it comes to what horror should be about…
The Visit
Crimson Peak
Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse
The Final Girls
Tales of Halloween
Here’s to a Dreadfully fantastic 2016 for us all! Cheers!! Let us know your picks below.