Four Character Sheets from Slime City Massacre

When director Gregory Lamberson says “slime”, he means it! We just received four new character sheets from Lamberson’s upcoming indie goo-fest Slime City Massacre, and can we just say, “Greg, you are one sick fuck!”
The film stars Jennifer Bihl, horror author Kealen Patrick Burke, Debbie Rochon, Lee Perkins, and Slime City veterans Robert C. Sabin, Mary Bogle, T.J. Merrick, and Dick Biel. Brooke Lewis and Tommy Sweeney provide additional support.
Slime City Massacre is set in the ruins of midtown Manhattan seven years after a dirty bomb decimates the financial district. Four squatters discover a supply of “Himalayan yogurt” and “Zachary Devon’s Home Brewed Elixir.” The concoctions turn each survivor into a slime oozing monster compelled to murder as they are possessed by the spirits of cultists who committed suicide decades earlier. Sabin appears as Zachary in flashbacks, and Bogle returns as her Slime character, now called “Swan.”
Pictured are Burke as Cory, Bihl as Alexa, Rochon as Alice, and Perkins as Mason. Nicholas John Morgan Anderson designed the posters with the SCM logo courtesy of Eric Mache. Meanwhile, Lamberson continues his post-production work with an eye towards a February, 2010 release date.

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