Stephen King NOT Writing a Sequel to The Shining

We reported yesterday on Stephen King’s supposed plans to write a sequel to The Shining, as relayed by Toronto 1st. Sadly some new first-hand info has come to light denouncing their report.
Dread Central reader syd13 was in attendance at the reading, and this is how he says things really went down:
“Not to burst anyone’s bubble, but the report is bullshit. I was at the Toronto Q&A, and the “Toronto 1st” article is spinning a story where there isn’t one. What happened was this: Cronenberg asked King if he enjoyed looking back over his works. King responded that he did sometimes enjoy looking over his older stuff, and sometimes wondered where the characters would be now. He then proceeded to lay out a few minutes about where he had pictured Danny Torrence being.
From the way he spoke, I got the impression that these were ideas he had come up with a few years back. But this was definitely just King indulging in a little bit of “what if” for the receptive audience. It was a nice moment, but he certainly didn’t imply that he was planning on actually writing the book. The “Toronto 1st” page is definitely misrepresenting what happened. Pretty blatant rumor-mongering.”
And there you have it, folks. A pretty sad cap on what was some fairly big news. We’ll do a bit more digging to get official word either way, but color us officially deflated.
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