REC 2 Gets Italian One-Sheets / REC 3 Gets Debunked

Ah, the Internet. What a wonderful and sometimes foul place you can be. Sure … it gives us the means to see international artwork for our most anticipated films, etc., but it also provides pinheads with the ability to dupe millions of fans by buying domains, putting up fake images, and engaging in all manner of general douchbaggery.
Aullidos contacted Filmax yesterday to get the scoop on the teaser imagery and sites for a possible REC 3, and the studio denounced both the official site and Facebook fanpage as fake. No doubt set up by a some prick looking to make some cash should a third entry into the franchise get made. Please join me in offering that person a very hearty — FUCK YOU.
In REC 2 news, while Sony continues to do nothing with its recent acquisition of the film, the rest of the world continues to enjoy it! Next to join the “We Have it and You Don’t” club – Italy!
Check out the three new Italian one-sheets below courtesy of BadTaste.

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