DVD Releases: Dec. 15, 2009: Put The Headless Woman in the Trunk and Suffer Mental Scars

You can definitely tell DVD companies are counting on everyone to have already bought all the videos they plan to give out this holiday season — with the highlight of this week’s releases being C Me Dance, I think you can see where this is going.
Actually, there are a couple of diamonds in the rough such as two batches of Sherlock Holmes flicks (yeah, we know they’re not full-on horror, but they’re still loads of fun) with such masters as Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee along with Murder by Decree from 1979 starring Christopher Plummer, James Mason, David Hemmings, and Susan Clark. We’ve also got a trio of one-namers like Fallen, Throttle, and Trunk. But without a doubt the pick of the week is Santa Claus Conquers the Martians from Cinema Insomnia’s Slime Line.
Happy shopping!
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